Wednesday 25 January 2012

I Want To Get Fruity....

Ok, so this post has been brewing over the last few weeks, primarily due to my busyness in starting 2 new jobs - Yay!

Now I'm hoping that my post title was intriguing, as my thoughts on what I'm writing about are still developing and therefore would love to know what you think (Reply at the bottom).

I feel like in entering into 2012, that there are a lot of my friends, family, local churches, as well as the global church that are believing for promises that they have not seen yet, but have been hoping for.
See, I have this undeniable feeling that we are going to start seeing the uncontainable fruit of God being produced in your life! Yes - your life!
I have seen over the last few years, so many people come to realise that God is uncontainable within our buildings and meetings and people are on the adventure of seeing God spill out of their experiences, leading people who don't know Him into experiences of Him! And the best thing about it is......... that its really hard work and is going to wear you down until the day you die!!! NNNNOOO....... actually the truth is that its really easy because whether we feel like we do well or not at sharing who He is, our Father is so proud of us in who He has made us to be. He celebrates like crazy even when we take a risk and feel like we fall on our face!
It is most certainly time for an abundantly Fruity Season!

Now I have been thinking; do I just want to have loads of fruit so I look good on the outside and people think wow look at him go........Well I'm sure there is part of me that definitely wants that. I guess being human means that my motives will never be perfect and I know I would be lying if I said any different. But the thing I'm realising is, that, It's really not a bad thing for God to use me/you or for me/you to ask Him to do that! The truth is that He is looking for the ones who will say yes, take risks and make mistakes knowing that's its Him who enables us to get back up and go again, when we don't think we can. The ones who may go too far rather than not go far enough! He will use you and desperately wants to!

Its humble to tell others about what God does through you, not proud - because it's not you! So why not share with people the things that you have taken a risk in, and not had them turn out as great as you dreamed.... I reckon before long, the things you dream of will start becoming real!

And lastly.... How are you doing with being fruity?? Do you want to get a bit more fruity? I hope so..... until next time.

Adios Amados!

1 comment:

  1. Matty! so encouraged by what you've written! you have a very easy to read writing style and i have been so challenged and inspired by what i have read. whatever happens, dont stop writing!

    God really envisioned my as i was reading for the purposes for my life and i've been challenged to take the big risks for Him!

    Thanks so much for putting this up bro!

